The dam is leaking, and the flood is coming. Are you ready to stand strong?


A powerful accusation, sensational, provocative. When we think of fraud, what comes to mind? Images of avarice-driven men putting their greed before the best interest of a larger population. Does it feel different when it is a woman behind the mask? What about a woman charged with “Saving Lives. Protecting People.” as is the CDC’s claim? What if that larger population put at risk is our infants, babies, and children?

Today, I am calling all women, to hear this news, let it permeate deep down to the core of their primal instincts, and say, enough is enough.

As citizens of this capitalist nation, we cannot rely on corporate-sponsored news media for the truth. We must source it from trusted independent outlets, informed experts, and even going to the available science, ourselves. It is time to reclaim our health, and that of our families, once and for all. When we outsource our native wisdom, our belief in the fundamental strength of our minds and bodies, to corporations whose primary fiduciary responsibility is to their shareholders, we are sacrificing ourselves, and our children. Women and children are the sheep being led off the ledge. I have written about a known 4250% increase in fetal demise during the 2009/10 flu season, about evidence-based inefficacy and risks of the pertussis vaccine pushed on pregnant women, about Gardasil killing healthy girls across the globe, fear mongering about SIDS that is actually caused by a visit to the pediatrician, and of the corruption of an infant’s birthday by the Hepatitis B vaccine. In rejecting the paradigm of vaccination, it is important to grasp the nature of the political beast that is pushing vaccines into the arms (legs and buttocks) of every American.

This week, devotees to the shrine of conventional medicine that is vaccination, are called to the floor.

After Dr. Brian Hooker’s requests through the Freedom of Information Act for original MMR study documentation, a CDC Immunization Safety Researcher, Dr. William Thompson has buckled under the pressure of his conscience, and come forth as a whistle blower. These documents demonstrated a 3.4 fold increase in the incidence of autism in African American boys, expunged from the final study results in a violent act of scientific fraud.  Dr. Thompson has since corroborated the CDC’s retroactive alteration of the data to eliminate the signal of harm.  In light of a 2004 letter confirming CDC awareness and suppression of these findings, CDC head, Dr. Julie Gerberding committed perjury before moving onto her position at Merck in the Vaccine Division. Dr. Hooker has published the unadulterated finding here.

As parents around the world have known for 7 decades, and basic science has supported,  vaccines do cause autism. Despite the defiance of the CDC in its refusal to conduct that most basic of studies, a retrospective case-control investigation of autism rates in vaccinated versus unvaccinated children, science has been supporting the connection for years. In a transparent effort to paralyze the conversation, the Institute of Medicine has handily dismissed a causal relationship between vaccination and autism, referencing 4 studies, including the very study in question, and another by now fugitive Paul Thorsen, and one that actually did demonstrate over 50% regression after MMR. Analyses that have been done, outside of Pharma’s pocket book, have demonstrated statistically significant correlations between vaccination and autism and suggested that prevention involves less-to-no vaccination.

It is time for us to acknowledge the heinous nature of this  one-size-fits-all pharmaceutical assault. There are no green vaccines, no room for a “slowed or alternate schedule”  because vaccination itself is predicated on an antiquated misapprehension of individualized immunity. Metals, antibiotics, chemical preservatives, and manipulated animal and human tissues have no place in human ecology. This mismatch is particularly egregious in our current state as a species, hovering on the brink of devolution, in an age of profound transgenerational compromise of mitochondrial dysfunction, detox capacity, and microbiota-supported immunity.

Are We Surprised?

A veritable body-bomb, the MMR contains recombinant human albumin, fetal bovine serum, and chick embryo fibroblasts, and the potential for interspecies activation of unknown retroviruses, molecular mimicry, and reactivation of the virulence of the infectious virus itself – a completely unstudied and medically unacknowledged risk. Conventional medicine, particularly the field of infectious disease, has yet to adopt the new science, which has demonstrated the imperative of individualized risk assessment. There is no effort to screen for, identify, or personalize this intervention based on genetics, lifestyle, or markers of altered immunity. This is the equivalent of hammering a one-sized-helmet on to each child’s head, in full knowledge that some fraction of those children will be injured or even killed in this barbaric process. Add to this co-exposures such as nutrient depleted maternal diets, surgical births, formula feeding, ultrasound, pesticides, and pharmaceuticals like Tylenol, and there is only so long we can defend a model of toxicology that ignores the synergy of these risks.

A novel diagnosis, Measles-Induced Neuroautistic Encephalopathy (MINE) appears to be a variant of the most severe complication of measles, Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis, which develops when the body is unable to clear the measles virus. MINE has only been reported in children who have received MMR vaccines. An immature or otherwise compromised immune system appears to be a necessary risk factor for the development of MINE and SSPE. Who is assessing vaccine recipients for this risk factor? Do we even know how?

Autism is the emblem for modern human health. These children are the canaries in the coalmine. Those whose buckets were full-to-overflowing until the final uninvited drops spill over the edge. They suffer from oxidative damage, mitochondrial dysfunction, dysbiosis, and brain-based inflammation and autoimmunity. In the era of vaccine design, it was not even known that the brain had immune function, let alone that our gut microbiome is the mastermind of of our immune response, and that we must cooperate with the bacteria and viruses in our midst. There is no free lunch, no slaughter of bugs, no offensive attack that does not also undermine our own health.

The Flood

Parents are taking back the truth. It is my expectation that this crack in the dam will serve to sound an alarm. To wake women up. To show them that they have relinquished their maternal wisdom, and that it is time to wrest it back. As Dan Olmsted states:

More broadly, these “leaks” in the bulwark of conventional wisdom have been coming for a long time, and not just from people on the inside with information to share.

I’m talking about leaks like all the parents of children on the other side of the elevated-risk stats – MMR shots at 12 months, illness, regression, autism.

Leaks like parents who saw it with other vaccines, at other times  — parents who were willing to share what happened to try to keep it from happening again.

Leaks like the original Verstraeten study at the CDC that found a high risk of autism for infants who got the most ethyl mercury by the first month of life, as opposed to the least.

Leaks like the CDC coverup of the soaring autism rate in Brick Township, N.J.

Leaks like all the evidence from low-and-no-vaccine populations with low-to-no autism. Leaks like the unwillingness of the public health authorities to even study the issue.

Leaks like the Hannah Poling case, which the government conceded was triggered by autism, but buried by obfuscation. Leaks like the Unanswered Questions study showing autism all over the place in unacknowledged vaccine “court” rulings.

Leaks like the SafeMinds parents identifying autism as a “novel form of mercury poisoning” more than a decade ago.

Leaks like the Merck scientists who came forward to say the company faked data to make its mumps vaccine look effective.

Leaks like the connection between the first cases of autism reported in the medical literature, in 1943, and the families’ exposure to the new ethyl mercury vaccines and fungicides.

Leaks like the whole catastrophic half-a-millennium love affair between the medical industry and mercury, one that should have ended long before the autism tidal wave started carrying away America’s children.

Leaks like the most obvious one of all – the explosion of autism and the vaccine schedule at the same time Congress gave the nation’s corrupt drug makers a free ride in court, a ride on the backs of America’s vaccine-injured children and their stumbling families.

These leaks are becoming a flood, and the flood a tidal wave, just like the autism tidal wave, and the wave is washing away the whole wall of denial built by the same people who just about now are running out of fingers and toes to plug them with.

Deeply ingrained in our most primitive impulses, mothers are wired to protect their children. This protection no longer takes the form of sheltering them from wild animals, warming their bodies from the elements, and procuring foraged food. Today, our charge is to access a fearlessness. To shed a “medicate it, kill it, suppress it!” reflex, and to adopt a deep respect for our coevolution with the natural world, and a powerful rejection of a broken healthcare model that is making us sicker by the minute. If we stand together, our feminine wisdom will cast a shadow so dark that Pharma will run scared. Dig deep for that fearlessness, and let emerging truths like Thompson’s support your journey back to self.


Category : Ανακοινώσεις