Dr. Aggelos M. Evangelou, Professor, Honorary member of Konstantinion Research Center

The living organisms live in our planet for billion of years under the influence of different electromagnetic fields (EMFs). The first influence exerted in living organisms on the earth’s electromagnetic fields with frequency 7-8 Hz and intensity which raises from 35 mT up to 75 mT to the poles. Humans themselves have its own magnetic field with frequency about 7.8 Hz (and intensity in μΤ).

However, our planet as well as the living organisms is being emitted by a huge amount of electromagnetic radiation daily from the very low frequency (ELF &VLF) up to ionizing radiation (X-rays) and the cosmic radiation. These fields are the natural fields, where the earth’s magnetic field and the earth’s atmosphere (for the cosmic radiation) offer important protection. From the beginning of the 19th century, the human activity added an important size of fields (electricity, radar, communications etc.) that cover the space from that time in the past until the frequencies of the visible light.

The dependence of the functionality of human beings and other livings from the electromagnetic fields is known from studies from 1890 as well as the human health from changes of the magnetic field which is provoked by the periodic sun magnetic hurricanes. (Zadhin M, 2001).

The transmitter is the Electromagnetic wave, which contains an electric and magnetic wave working together vertically with velocity equal with the speed of light (c).

Humans (and all livings) are one network of production and reception-transmission and emission electromagnetic fields. The electric operation of different systems, the iron particles in pineal gland, the operation of proteins as semiconductors and others, justify the opinion of productive, receiver and transmitter of electromagnetic information. It is known today, that the cellular-somatic microtubules are EMF conductors (f=1013 Ηz and their harmonies in wavelength in λ= mm) that resonate the cellular functions (Lasley & Primram, 1991), the centromeres contain piritium oxide (SiO2), and emit and accept EMFs. The human body produces a series of fundamental EMF frequencies, which are a characteristic of its structure and function (Andreyev YA, Bely MA, Sit’ko SP, 1982). The neural cells emit and receive EMFs in area ELF (Elul J UCLA, 1967). The cellular membrane behaves as a transistor converting the alternating EMFs to direct and amplifying them. (Pinkard W,1985). The cellular DNA emits EMFs (Laser type), which facilitates the entra-intracellular communication. Even the cells before their death, emit a characteristic EFM wave informing the others. (Popp F.A 1986 & 1989)

The measurements of different operations in EMF frequencies are performed with modern magnetometers (SQUIDs) and with devices NMR and MRI. Mosalenko Y et al, promulgated an electronic device for recording radiofrequencies in the human body (frequencies from 2-6 GHz, λ=mm-microwaves) and showed that frequencies can give diagnostic information (Lin C: Bioelectromagnetics, 1992). In 1970, Russians and Ukranians radiophysicists discovered that there is resonance in tissues and cells with very high frequency and low intensity radio waves. So, for the first time, specific human and animal bioresonance radiofrequencies were recorded, as well as other substances (Biological and chemical) (Petrosyan V.I et al, 1970-Kositsky et al 2001). The emission and recording of photons (biophotons) of low intensity is a very strong indication from the human body, in a different frequency of each organ (Cohen &Popp, -Indian J Exp Biology, 2003).

Bioinformatics has shown that communication, body language is electrical and chemical. The neural electric stimulation contains information, the biochemical substances-signs contain information for execution, which is coded for their structure. The cells are full receptors of information and contain all the functional structures and the biochemical paths, translation and transmission of this information to the nucleus for execution of the order. Is this only these two informative systems that are the body language? Is there a way that the human organisms and living organisms communicate parallel and electromagnetically? Can a coded order with EMFs to be executed from the organism or the cells or the living organisms?

In 1995, Edler at al, showed that frogs execute the non molecular electronic order of thyroxine and become hyperthyroidic, while in 2000, Thomas et al, showed that newtrophils can be activated and to produce drastic forms of Oxygen (free radicals) with electronic emission of acidic myristic forbol. In 2005, we showed that the simultaneous emission of radio spectrum resonance of NGF (neural growth factor), in malignant cells of marrow of suprarenals (PC 12) provokes their differentiation towards the neurons as well as the same NGF (Karkabounas et al 2005). We also showed that Hela cells with switched off the gene of heat shock protein 70, become resistant to heat if exposed to EMF spectrum of the protein( Evangelou et al 2010) and that the emission of the resonant spectrum of morphine in experimental animals causes analgesic phenomena depending on the morphine itself. (Verginadis et al 2009). These are some experimental data that justify that possibly the electromagnetism is one of the languages of the body.

Electromagnetic approach to malignancy

Today, carcinogenesis is due to point mutations, mainly tumor suppressor and oncogenes, genetic instability from serious chromosomal defects or even original gene defects from stem cells that form a malignant clone. In order to approach this disease from EMF point of view, we must explore some special characteristics of malignant cells.

Malignant cells in comparison with the normal ones have the following characteristics that define their electromagnetic properties:

  • Lower production of energy from the mitochondrial respiration and malfunction of Κ+-Να+ – ΑΤΡase
  • Largest concentration in water (15-15%)
  • Abnormal molecular constitution of endocellular water (decreased polymerism, random arrangement of dipoles of Η2Ο)

The above characteristics define special EFM properties of malignant cells (Niemtzow RC,1987)

  • Low and sensitive oxidative-reduction equilibrium (redox)
  • Vertical arrangement of centromeres (contain of piritium oxide kai function as quartz)
  • Low resting potential [ -15mV έως -40mV ]
  • Lower palpating cellular membrane
  • Larger electrical conductivity
  • Loss of negative contribution of emitting photons and transmission of photons of high frequencies
  • Larger “polarity” of neoplastic vessels

Table 1: State potential (intramembranic) of malignant cells

Cell Type intramembranic potential(mV) Source
Human astrocytoma -14.07 +/-7.4 Black and Kornblith,1986
Human glyoblastoma -37.0 +/- 15 Nielsson et al,1986
Hypopisis malignant human cells κακοήθη -40.0 +/- 12.0 Dubinski &Oxford,1985
Hepatoma human

Hepatoma rat

-19.8 +/-7.1

-37.1+/- 4.3

Bingelli & Cameron,1980
Normal Human cells -70 έως -90

So, the Electromagnetic Approach of Carcinogenesis supports the following facts:

  • First of all, damage of cellular membrane with result the outflow of electrons and protons (H+), due to the malfunction of antirurrent (Pump Να+-Η+) and Κ+-Να+ – ΑΤΡ
  • Loss of regulation retrograde mechanisms in ion’s leakage.
  • Increasing intracellular necessity of electrons and protons with result the increase in the intracellular PH and decrease of the extracellular.
  • Increase of electronegativity of outer plasma membrane with result the decrease of cell’s resting potential.
  • Intracellulal alkalosis facilitates glycolysis, alters gene expression, promotes genetic instability. )
  • The low intracellular pH benefists the survival of malignant cells and disturbs the extracellular communication).
  • The above changes lead to one heterogenic cellular population from which the advanced position of malignant cells in the disturbed microenvironment, promotes the survival and development of a modified (malignant) cellular line, which develops in malignant tumor. (RG Stern, et al, 1999).

However, which can be the possible “therapeutic action” of EMFs in maliganancy?

Up to today, research supports that the exposure of malignant cells and experimental animals with tumors in bioresoant, low intention frequencies fields, can lead the malignant cells in apoptosis or death. The applications of this method have been performed in limited patients in final stage with malignancies and brain gliomas, and it seems very promising for the near future. Pulsating and static EFMs seem that they have analgesic action, anti-inflammatory and recovery in humans with maligancies, autoimmune and pains problems.

Table 2: Therapeutic actions of EMFs
n Facilitation of fractures recovery, wounds, burns

n Ruptures, tendonitis, traumatic arthritis, tendon’s ruptures etc.

n Lumbago

n Rheumatoid arthritis

n Psoriasis

n Metabolic regulation of Diabetes

n Parkinson’s disease του

n Multiple sclerosis

n Epilepsy


I consider that I must finish this short description with an article of Johnson MT et al, with the title: Noninvasive treatment using electromagnetic fields: current and emerging therapeutic potentials” Bιol Sci Ind, 2004 (Indiana University USA):

“The EMF treatment for pain therapy, cancer, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis and inflammatory diseases is still under continuous research. The long-term success of this new scientific approach is still unknown. We are ambitious that EMF has the potential to bring revolutionary changes in medical practice that up to today is blocked by pharmacotherapy and surgical interventions. New therapeutic tools that are developing and will develop in the future, offer potential for no interventions and low degree of danger and no pharmaceutical side effects”

Selective Bibliography

-Cohen S & Popp FA (2003): Biophoton emission of human body. In J Exp Biol 41:440-45.

Edler PC et al (1995) : Non-molecular Information Transfer from Thyroxin to Frogs with regard to homeopathetic toxicology. Vet Human Toxicol 37(3):259-60.

Evangelou A …..Karkabounas S (2010) : Restoration in tolerance to heat shock of knock down to HSP70 Hela cells , after exposure to electromagnetic signals of HSP70. Gen Physiol Biophys (submitted)

Karkabounas S, …and Evangelou A (2005): Electromagnetic (EMG) Signals of Nerve Growth factor (NGF) may induce differentiation of rat pheochromocytoma cells (PC12). XXXIII Meeting of the Intern Soc for Oncodevelopmental Biology & Medicine (ISOMB), Abstr Book 12, Rhodes, 2005

Karkabounas S ….and Evangelou A(2006): Effects of low intensity static electromagnetic radio-frequency fields on leiomyosarcoma and smooth muscle cell lines. Hell J Nucl Med 9(3):167-172

Niemzow RC(1987): Use of transmembrane potentials in the identification of tumour cells. Cancer Surveys 6(2):269-283

Stern RG et al (1999): Carcinogenesis and the plasma membrane. Med Hypothesis 65(2):367-372

Thomas Y et al (2000): Activation of Ηuman Neutrophils by Εelectronically Τtransmitted Phorbol-Myristate Acetate. Med Hypothesis 54(1):33-39,2000.

-Verginadis I, Simos Y,….Karkabounas S, Evangelou A (2009): Analgesic effects exerted by exposure of Wistar rats to the NMR spectrum of morphine.International Symposium of WIP “Algos” 18-21/08/09 Greece . (Oral Award)

Zadhin M (2001): Review of the Russian Literature on Biological Action of DC and Low –Frequency AC Magnetic Fields. Bioelectromagnetics 22:27-451