Plants produce many low molecular weight natural compounds endowed with biological activity. Among them, resveratrol (trihydroxystylbene) has been shown to be capable of influencing a variety of central cellular molecular processes, including transduction and gene expression, activities that lead to various cellular phenotypes.
Resveratrol causes hormonal responses to doses affecting therapeutic significance or even autoimmunity. In many human tumor cell lines {prostate, colon, lung, uterus, leukemia, etc. low resveratrol concentrations increased the proliferation of cancer cells, while higher concentrations were inhibitory. Similar resveratrol-induced biphasic dose reactions have been observed with several parasitic diseases, such as Leishmaniasis and trichinella. Similar results were also reported in animal models for cardiovascular injury, gastric lesions, ischemic stroke, Alzheimer’s disease, and osteoporosis. In these cases, there was often a PROTECTIVE effect at LOW doses, but ADVERSE effects at higher doses, exacerbating the disease process.
This analysis shows that many resveratrol-induced effects are DOSAGE-dependent and that adverse effects occur at low and high doses, indicative of a hormonal response. In particular, the common effects of resveratrol treatment are to reduce growth and activate programmed cell death {use resveratrol in cancer treatment, alone or in combination with anticancer compounds}. However, some reports indicate that, at LOW concentrations, not only does resveratrol NOT inhibit cell proliferation and survival, but, on the contrary, induces proliferation and protects cells from toxic agents. Based on these biphasic results, it has been suggested that resveratrol belongs to the so-called hormonal compounds, but epidemiological and clinical trials are needed to assess dose / response in humans.
NOTE: The scientific literature (hundreds of studies published) that exists to date is remarkable if you see that there is also an annual world resveratrol day. It is also worth noting that after long-term studies, the scientific team of the Constantine Research Center created an excellent liposomal biological formulation with a combination of resveratrol, curcumin, and epigallocatechin, which acts synergistically with excellent antioxidant and antioxidant properties.
SOURCE: Int J Mol Sci 2020