Many studies have confirmed the corrosion of dental alloys. Garhammer et al reported that specific metals such as silver, gold, chromium and others were higher in saliva of patients with metal restorations as in control patients. The researches stated that ‘The metal content of saliva is affected among other things by intraoral metal restorations.*

Through saliva metal testing we can detect how amalgam metals of fillings or crowns are released into saliva. Systemic metal exposure should be confirmed through additional diagnostics.

Bibliographic Source:

* Garhammer P, Hiller KA, Reiginger T, Schmalz G. Metal content of saliva with and without metal restorations. Clinical Oral Investigations, Vol8, #4, 238-242

With this test we can measure the concentration of the following metals: Aluminum, Beryllium, Boron, Cerium, Iron, Lanthanum, Manganese, Niobium, Rhenium, Ruthenium, Tantalum, Titanium, Tungsten, Vanadium, Zinc, Zirconium.

Saliva – Amalgam Sampling Instruction Saliva Test before Chewing§

This test is only useful as a comparison to the Saliva Amalgam Test. Results are generally negative, provided the patient has not consumed food or drink for at least 20 minutes, and has abstained from smoking for at least an hour.

Saliva Amalgam Test For at least one hour, the patient should not smoke For 20 Minutes before the chewing period, the patient should not eat or drink. The saliva produced during the time of chewing gum is collected and saved in the tube provided by the laboratory. Write patient name on tube, fill out this patient submission sheet and ship to MTM.

Note: this test is important because the complete therapy can bring the full restoration of oral mucosa in compete regulation of metals and trace elements.