Date: 1-10 September 2021
Place: Botassart-sur-Semois, Belgium
Participants: 5 young persons and one leader with artistic background or relevant high motivation and one Youth Leader
There will be prioritized youth with a less opportunities profile
Objectives and topic of the project: Our project will be about the stereotypes and uprejudice. Belgium is a small country with already few stereotypes so we would like to go in few places that covers the different regions of the country and try to see what will happens with the stereotypes … Of course the most important objective for us is to exchange, to discover the other cultures! During the project we would like to create a website that we will fill with our ideas and workshops. For this website we will need a publicity campaign that our youngsters will create. In the end of the project we would like to be able to understand the dynamics and have a critical opinion on stereotypes and prejudices
Profile of participants: Young dynamic people interested in the topic of stereotypes, prejudice, discrimination, international dialog, etc… 5 participants (16 to 30 years old) + 1 leader (18 to 35 years old) Language knowledge: English Partners countries: 7 countries – Spain, Italy, Serbia, Lithuania, Greece,…? and Belgium Group size: 42 persons Dates and Venue 01-11 September 2021, Botassart-sur-Semois, Belgium. The village is situated in the south of the country, close to the beautiful “Tombeau du Géant”.
Few ideas of the workshops – if you have your idea that is different it could be include during the project! • Web site workshop – the team’s mission is to centralize all the data from the various workshops and to post it on the website they have previously created, the site will aim to disseminate the fruit of our work and our reflection to internationally. • Interview Workshop – This group will be responsible for taking an interviews during our travel, collected the various data, preparing debates, etc. • Awareness campaign workshop – Reflection on the place of stereotypes / prejudices and their impacts (positive or negative) in Belgium and worldwide, creation of a sensitization tools and supports. • Operator / Road Book Workshop, This team will be responsible for taking notes and taking photos of our adventure, creation of videos. • Flash mob workshop – workshop that will follow our travel and opening a sensitization discussion with the local people. • Tools creation workshop – creation of interesting tools (board game, forum, booklet, posters etc.), that could be explore by others youth people and that would be for free use on the website
Accommodation LORYHAN Centre currently has the capacity and infrastructure to support these Initiatives. Vast and comfortable, fully equipped and allowing many activities. We have a huge garden, and a lot of our activities will be outside!
The very best for you would be to travel to Brussels National Airport. In case the ticket price and the travel times are better for Brussels South (Charleroi Airport), then there is no problem neither. ▪ If you arriving at BRUSSELS NATIONAL AIRPORT (ZAVENTEM) you have to go to the train station that is on the level under the airport. There you have to ask not for normal tickets, but for a GO PASS ticket before to go inside the train. It’s a special 10 time travel ticket for youth under 26 years old and it could be used for more than one person (in your case for 6) at the same time. With it all of your travel until Botassart will cost you under 7 euro in one way. You have to fill inside your ticket the name of the station of which you taking the train, the name of the station you have to join (PALISEUL) and the date. You have to do this 6 times and like this you will have 4 more places for the going back. There is a smartphone application of the Belgian trains that is very useful for your travel. The name is SNCB INTERNATIONAL. There you can check all of the road information you need with the different changes of transport. ▪ If you are arriving to CHARLEROI AIRPORT, you have to take the bus until Charleroi Train station and there you have to by the same ticket I already explained – GO PASS and travel with it until PALISEUL. You will change the train more often, but it’s not so hard if you have the application on your phone that giving you the information where you have to go. If you are not sure what to do, the best is to ask on the airport information about all of the details about your travel. They are very friendly and will be happy to explain you! We will come to pick you up at PALISEUL train station. Please check carefully your fight schedule. You have to book a fight arriving BEFORE 7 PM! If not, they are no train anymore to arrive at PALISEUL station! And it’s not possible for us to pick you up at the airport! It’s the same for your return ticket: please book a fight LATER THAN 12 PM! If not, no chance to reach your fight! • Your train time from Brussels National Airport to Paliseul takes around 2 hours 45 minutes. Keep it on mind!
▪ If you want, you can already check the train schedules on the Belgian rail web- site